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Archaeology, History, and Urban Food Security: Integrating Cross-Cultural and Long-Term Perspectives

Date & Time:
January 16, 2019 | 4:00 pm
Gallery Hall, Taylor Family Digital Library (TFDL)
Dr. Christian Isendahl

Join LARC and the Department of Anthropology & Archaeology for an innovative talk by Dr. Christian Isendahl (University of Gothenburg) on January 16, 4pm in the TFDL Gallery Hall. Dr. Isendahl will speak about integrating cross-cultural and long-term perspectives in archaeology, history and urban food security.

This event is open to the public. Refreshments will be served.

Christian Isendahl (Ph.D., Uppsala University, 2002) is Senior Lecturer in Archaeology at the Department of Historical Studies, University of Gothenburg. He is interested in issues of long-term sustainability and resilience, and applies a historical ecological lens to study urbanism, farming systems, water management, and socio-political organization in the past, particularly in the Maya Lowlands, the Central Andes, and the Amazon Basin. Christian is the co-editor of The Oxford Handbook of Historical Ecology and Applied Archaeology (in press). He has a strong interest in exploring, detailing, and discussing how archaeological research can generate knowledge about the past and about long-term processes that provide practical insights for addressing contemporary challenges.